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Dove viaggiare nel 2021? Ogni anno, esaminiamo i posti migliori da visitare nel prossimo anno. In questo momento potrebbe sembrare inconcepibile pensare di viaggiare all’estero, a causa della pandemia globale e delle restrizioni ai viaggi che hanno chiuso i confini di molti paesi. Ma ecco la buona notizia: le cose stanno migliorando per il 2021. Mentre molti posti in tutto il mondo rimangono off-limits, sempre più paesi stanno iniziando ad aprire le loro porte e lo stanno facendo con protocolli di salute e sicurezza in atto, il che fa ben sperare gli americani che vogliono viaggiare nel 2021. Anche le compagnie aeree e gli hotel stanno facendo la loro parte per implementare procedure che consentano alle persone di viaggiare in sicurezza e con fiducia“.

Così inizia un articolo della prestigiosa rivista internazionale Forbes che ha stilato la lista delle migliori 20 destinazioni di viaggio per il 2021. E tra queste spicca la città garganica che conquista persino la foto copertina. Tania Swasbrook di Travelworld International Group consiglia tutta la Puglia come unica tappa per le vacanze in Italia. “Anche per i clienti che hanno già viaggiato in Italia in precedenza, c’è sempre una nuova zona da visitare e tra le preferite c’è la Puglia, che è sulla punta dello stivale ed è nota per le sue città imbiancate a calce e per chilometri di accattivante costa mediterranea”.



Where do you want to travel in 2021? Every year, we look at the best places to visit in the coming year. Right now, it might seem inconceivable to think about traveling abroad, due to the global pandemic and travel restrictions that have closed the borders of many countries. But here’s the good news: Things are looking up for 2021. While many places around the world remain off-limits, more and more countries are beginning to open their doors, and they’re doing it with health and safety protocols in place—which bodes well for Americans who want to travel in 2021. Airlines and hotels are also doing their part to implement procedures that allow people to travel safely and confidently.

As a result, travel planners report that vacation bookings are on the rise, and according to travel insurance aggregator Squaremouth, 65% of trips for 2021 are to international destinations. Just ask Melissa Biggs Bradley, founder and CEO of boutique travel-planning company Indagare. “We are definitely seeing an uptick in trip-planning and requests right now for the holidays and into 2021, as well as far-flung international trips,” says Bradley. “Many of our members are planning trips for 2021 and 2022 because they know demand will be high in popular destinations eventually.”

Granted, as countries reopen, travel is going to look a lot different, thanks to new safety, testing and cleaning practices. But the new face of travel is also going to have a silver lining. Not only will once over-touristed destinations be less crowded, travelers will be opting for more isolated places. Experts predict that travelers will also be more thoughtful and responsible when it comes to where they are going and how they are approaching the whole travel experience. And travel companies will be more flexible than ever when it comes to allowing travelers to postpone or cancel trips when necessary.

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Of course, if you’re planning a trip anywhere before a coronavirus vaccine has been released, you should check travel restrictions for the destination you are hoping to visit and consider warnings from the State Department and the CDC. Travelers should also take precautions to keep themselves and others safe. But for naysayers who claim that it is irresponsible to do any kind of travel during a pandemic, consider this: The travel industry employs more than 98 million people around the globe, making up over 3% of all employment. So booking a trip actually helps support people and economies.

Laura Begley Bloom

A cura di Giovanna Tambo